Markus Nurkkala


Markus joined the practice in 2014 and was made an associate in 2020, he has 10 years of professional experience across all work stages.

In 2018 he was part of the design competition winning team for the Salisbury Square Development for the City of London, a flagship masterplan within the Fleet Street Conservation Area including a new 18 room Law Court & headquarters building for City of London Police. Initially working across the full breadth of the masterplan he later focused on the development of the world class fraud and cybercrime Law Court.

He worked from the conception to the realization of One Chamberlain Square, a 170,000 sq ft office building in the centre of Birmingham as part of the Paradise masterplan for Argent. The project was completed in 2019 and is fully let to PwC as their regional headquarters. He also worked on a research and development headquarters building in Singapore including an ambitious design for landscaped accessible terraces, the project was completed in 2021. In 2015 he worked on the planning application for 1 Undershaft, a 73-storey office tower in the City of London where he focused on the design development of the façade. In 2014 Markus worked on London Scottish House, a ground plus 17 storey 170,000 sq ft office building in the centre of Manchester, the project received planning permission in summer 2014.

Prior to joining Eric Parry Architects, Markus has worked for some of the other most prestigious & award-winning architectural practices in London focused on design excellence.

Markus Nurkkala
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