BSc(Hons) MArch(Dist)
Nikolina studied at the Welsh School of Architecture and the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where she was awarded with distinction for her design project and with the Ambrose Poynter prize for outstanding architectural thesis. Nikolina joined Eric Parry Architects in 2021 after completing her Masters studies, and worked on the presentational drawings for the publication Volume 5, while also assisting with the organisation of international seminars such as The Living Memory of Cities and the advanced study group Presence, Person, Beauty.
Nikolina has been involved in a number of international competition schemes in Poland and Russia, as well as the feasibility studies for office developments at Capital House, Edgware Road and Harmsworth House, London. Most recently, Nikolina has been working on the production of information for planning of an office scheme at Central Street, London, as well as the further design development of the civic scheme at 50 Fenchurch Street.