18 October 2022

Alexis Vinogradov, ‘Liturgical Theology & Architecture’

Fr Alexis Vinogradov. Born in Sweden in 1946, and migrated to Canada in 1949. Trained in Architecture at McGill University in Montreal. Practiced architecture until 1975, going with wife and three young children to study Theology at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in Yonkers through 1978, under the tutelage of the renowned Orthodox theologian Fr Alexander Schmemann. A memorable event of those seminary years was a chance encounter with the famous Russian writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a meeting that led to a great friendship and locating the property and designing of Solzhenitsyn’s home and studio in Vermont.

In 1978 took a temporary assignment as parish priest in the Hudson Valley, and retired in the summer of 2015 after 37 years at this “temporary assignment”. With a Russian family background he was and is involved today in the translation of Russian theological texts, and the massive collection of Radio Liberty Broadcasts of Fr Alexander Schmemann. In his capacity as architect Fr Alexis has designed and renovated many contemporary Orthodox churches, during his years in pastoral ministry. In retirement Fr Alexis continues living in the Hudson Valley with his wife Elizabeth.
